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BOTTINO MINE, SERAVEZZA, CARRARA, ITALY - This mine was famous for great association of different minerals. From this mine great specimens of acicular boulangerite were found. Nowadays the mine is defunct and this is one of those hystorical and rare to find specimens ! there is a great coverage of boulangerite on qurtzite matrix. Overall size is 8x5x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 150,00
"Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase"

Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Though spessartine rapresent a classic for pegmatite areas, they have not been a frequent finding at isola Elba. Nevertheless this rock from Grotta d'Oggi shows several millimetric spessartines nicely located on the faces of the various orthoclase crystals ! the feldspars are up to 1.6 cm on the edge. The specimen has a 50 years old label that describes as "grossular" the spessartines and misspelled the name of the locality. Very peculiar old label ! Nice old timer of 5x4x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 150,00



Monteponi mine, Carbonia-Iglesias Province, sardegna, Italy - Greatly terminated offmatrix white cerussite crystal of 4.7x1x0,5 cm in size. This crystal is from a very old collection of the 70ies.

Unit price: EURO 150,00



MONTEFICO, RIO MARINA, ISOLA ELBA, ITALY - Cluster of terminated ilvaite crystals. The cluster is the combination of 4 ilvaites up to the size of 3.2 cm in size ! Minimal etching as typical for the species from this locality. Very nice specimen of 3.5x3.2x2.6 cm in size

Unit price: EURO 180,00



Monteponi mine, Carbonia-Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy -  A nice cluster of anglesite crystals form this specimen ! The anglesites are up to 3.8 cm in length and have great brigthness ! There are at least half a dozen crystals in the range of 3 com in size ! on the back  there are a lot of 2-4 mm anglesites and several sulfides crystals. Overall size is 7.5x4x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 180,00



Monteponi mine, Carbonia-Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy -  The whole specimen is composed by a cluster of anglesite crystals ! There are 2 large and well exposed crystals up to 1.8 and 2.2 cm in length and many aother all around. All of them are terminated though showing some imperfection due to their genesys not to damages ! a super specimen ! overall size is 6x3.4x3.2 cm

Unit price: EURO 180,00



LA SPERANZA, SAN PIERO, ISOLA ELBA, LIVORNO, ITALY - The area of La Speranza was one of the oldest area where tourmalines and other pegmatite minerals have been found during the 18th century. More or less 30 years ago a vein was resumed and worked again with some nice findings ! this beryl is from that old findings. The crystal is biterminated and shows multiple terminations and a light blue color. Its size is 0.7x0.6x0.5 cm, quite large for the location ! a great oldtimer. Overall size is 7x5x4.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 200,00
"Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase"

Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - An old specimen from a german collection. The rock hosts a terminated goshenite beryl 1 cm in size which is nicely nested close to a feldspar. A classic from the old locality of grotta d'Oggi ! overall size is 6x4.5x3.5 cm. Old label also from Krantz collection.

Unit price: EURO 200,00



San Silvestro dike, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - San Silvestro has been one of the oldest pegmatite vein worked at the San Piero area, aftwer the Speranza quarry. Now it is exausted and almost no traces are left of its location. This specimen is from my personal collection. There are 3 perfectly terminated elbaites ! the main crystals are 0.5 cm in size and show a deep brown/green color while the top is light green. The smallest elbaite is located just below the other 2 crystals, with the same aspect. Very nice thumbnail. Great esthetics ! overall size is 2.2x2.2x1.8 cm.

Unit price: EURO 200,00



FLORISTELLA MINE, ENNA, SICILY, ITALY - A great old timer ! This specimen hosts a great abundance of celestine crystals grouped in clusters showing complex terminations ! I count one hundred crystakls or so ! The crystals are up to 2-2.7 cm in size ! The matrix shows wel evident traces of sulfur. An interesting specimen from a mine no more producing specimens. In fact this one is from an old collection recently aquired. Overall size is 11x11x6 cm. Weight is 1.6 kg

Unit price: EURO 200,00
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