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NAVEGADORES MINE,MINAS GERAIS, BRASIL - Fark helvite crystal of 0.6 cm in size shows up on the white albite of this specimen. Nice specimen of 3x2.5x2 cm.
SAN ANTONIO MINE, S.ELALIA, MEXICO - Nice coating of millimettric bright light blue smithsonite crystals. Overall size is 6x3.5x1.5 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Nice coating of smithsonite crystals up to 0.4-0.5 cm. Bright light blue color. Overall size is 5x2x1.5 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Coating of globular smithsonite crystals ! Nice ligh blue color ! On the back of the rock a lot of 1-3 mm hemimorphites ! Overall size is 4x3x2 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Nice coating of smithsonite crystals up to 0.5 cm in size ! Bright light blue color ! Overall size is 4.5x2.5x1 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - A great abundance of 1-2 mm smithsonite crystals cover the surface of this rock ! Nice specimen of 6x4x3.5 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Lot of smithsonite crystals up to 0.4 cm in size cover the cavities of this rock ! Nice light blue color ! Overall size is 5.5X3x2.5 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Lot of smithsonite crystals up to 0.4 cm in size cover the cavities of this rock ! Nice light blue color ! Overall size is 5.5c3x2.5 cm
San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia District, Chihuahua, Mexico - Lot of smithsonite crystals up to 0.4 cm in size cover the cavities of this rock ! Nice light blue color ! Overall size is 5x3x1.5 cm
Teixerinha Minas Gerais, Brazil - On a section of crystalline green elbaite there is a perfectly terminated elbaite of 1.2 cm in size. Nice specimen of 2x1.5x1 cm in size.