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Zagi Mountain, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan - This rock hosts a 0.6 cm wide bastnasite crystal, with a nice light brown color. The crystal is undamaged ! Overall size is 2.9x1.9x1 cm. Ex Ikram Mineralogy collection.

Unit price: EURO 25,00

PAK-H17 Bastnaesite


Zagi Mountain, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan - Nice bright orange bastnaesite crystal of 0.7 cm wide. The crystal has no damage and shows nicely on a pericline crystal of 2.3 cm long. Overall size is 2.2x1.3x1 cm

Unit price: EURO 40,00



Qiaojia, Zhaotong Prefecture,Yunnan Province, China - Very nice well shape undamaged babingtonite crystal of 0.9 cm on the edge ! The crystal is nicely located on a coating of prhenite, light green in color. There is an othe 0.5 cm crystal on the right of the rock and many tiny black ones dispersed on the prhenite. On the other side the rock has a a nice amount of quartz crystals with prhenite . Overall size is 5x4.8x3 cm. Weight is 110 gr.

Unit price: EURO 100,00



Lepang, Laos - A super specimen with incredible bright azurite crystals ! There are hundreds aof azurite crystals to the size of 0.5-0.8 cm terminated and greatly showing ! The matrix is malachite. A super showy specimen of 6x5x3.8 cm

Unit price: EURO 300,00



Puiva mine, Pre Polar Urals, Western Siberia, Russian Federation - Sharp gemmy axinite crystal of 5.5x4.2x1.5 cm in size. The axinite has a great color.

Unit price: EURO 30,00

Pune, Maharashtra, India- Nice specimen of apophyllite and stilbite. The apophyllites are waterclear , all terminated and up to 2 cm in size, mixed together with white stilbites to the size of 1-1.3 cm. Nice rock of 5x5x5 cm

Unit price: EURO 20,00

Pune, Maharashtra, India - Very nice specimen with no contacts: a floater. There are half a dozen bicolored apophyllite crystal, most of them are biterminated ! A couple of light pink stilbites up to 3 cm are intergrown with the apophyllites that are up 4.5 cm ! overall size is 6.2x4x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 35,00
"Apophyllite & Stilbite""Apophyllite & Stilbite""Apophyllite & Stilbite""Apophyllite & Stilbite""Apophyllite & Stilbite"

Pune, Maharashtra, India - Nice specimen hosting several crystals of green apophyllite crystals up to 2 cm in size !the apophyllites are nicely located among a great coverage of white stilbite crystals of 1-1.5 cm in size. Overall size is 10x5.5x4 cm. Weight is 200 gr.

Unit price: EURO 25,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - Apophyllite is a classic zeolite mineral produced in the world famous basalt quarries of Maharashtra, India. This specimen is a large plate completely covered by colorless waterclear apophyllite crystals. There are hundreds of crystals up to the size of 2 cm ! some of them are nicely located so that to biterminated. A showy classic rock from India of 14x7x4 cm.Weight is 570 gr.

Unit price: EURO 40,00



Jalgoan Quarries, Maharashtra, India - Large fairly well-isolated crystals of blue-grey apophyllite are stacked up on a matrix of basalt amygdale covered with smaller crystals of apophyllite with a ligth pinkish color. Apophyllites are up to 2.3 cm in size.Overall size is 7 × 4 × 5 cm. Weight is 140 gr

Unit price: EURO 40,00
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