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San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Nicely terminated 0.6 cm schorl close to feldspars and quartz crystals. Overall size is 6.5x3.5x2.5 cm.

Unit price: EURO 20,00



SAN PIERO, ISOLA ELBA, LIVORNO, ITALY - Showy schorlite crystals are well exposed on this rpck. The biggest is 1.1 cm long with perfect termination. There are other smaller all around. Overall size is 7.5x3x5 cm.

Unit price: EURO 80,00



San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A nicely terminated 1.4 cm long schorl shows on this pegmatite matrix. The rystal is perfectly terminated and shows greatly on this rock. At the base it has a narural contact on the matrix and no damage ! Nice crystal from Elba ! overall size is 3.5x3x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 50,00
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