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Golconda Pegmatite, Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil - An intriguing locality specimen comprising a taco-like habit with sandwiched layers of silver-grey lepidolite and glassy bluish-grey clevelandite with crystals standing out from the face. Attached to the face there are two crystals of tourmaline. The finer of the crystals is quite a gemmy blue-green colour with a sharp termination. The larger section is the same colour: however, it is a section and not terminated. An aesthetic piece of pegmatite crystallisation. Please note this specimen is slightly friable. Overall size is 10.2 × 5 × 4 cm. Weight is 185 gr

Unit price: EURO 75,00



San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A nicely terminated 1.4 cm long schorl shows on this pegmatite matrix. The rystal is perfectly terminated and shows greatly on this rock. At the base it has a narural contact on the matrix and no damage ! Nice crystal from Elba ! overall size is 3.5x3x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 50,00



San Silvestro dike, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - San Silvestro has been one of the oldest pegmatite vein worked at the San Piero area, aftwer the Speranza quarry. Now it is exausted and almost no traces are left of its location. This specimen is from my personal collection. There are 3 perfectly terminated elbaites ! the main crystals are 0.5 cm in size and show a deep brown/green color while the top is light green. The smallest elbaite is located just below the other 2 crystals, with the same aspect. Very nice thumbnail. Great esthetics ! overall size is 2.2x2.2x1.8 cm.

Unit price: EURO 200,00

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A great amount, hundreds of terminated schorl crystals cover most of the surface of this pegmatite specimen ! Classicallythe schorl crystals are grouped in  cluster on orthoclases or quartz crystals. This kind of aspect is typical when opening the pockets where there had been not so great space to develop large and/or big schorl crystals. Though it has 2-4 mm crystals, the sight is interesting for the brigthness and the luster of the terminations ! overall size is 11x7x3.5 cm. Weight is 330 gr

Unit price: EURO 60,00



CRUZEIRO MINE, MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL - Bright green elbaites show up on this specimen with a lot of cleavelandite spheroids on an albite matrix. The elbaites show a nice bright green color and are up to 3 cm in size ! Classic from Brazil. Overall size is  10x8x2.4 cm. weight is 177 gr.

Unit price: EURO 180,00



Paprook, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan - A nice single terminated crystal of elbaite from this well known and famous Afghan locality. The crystal has with a soft pink/red top. The elbaite is pristine and undamaged and is 2 cm in size ! Overall size 3.5x2.5x2.5 cm. Weight is 18 gr

Unit price: EURO 150,00



San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - This specimen hosts a lot of bright elbaites with a nice amber color. Their size is up to 0.8-1 cm and several of them are bi-terminated. There is also a nice cluster of quartz crystals. Overall size is 6x4x3.5 cmSan Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - This specimen hosts a lot of bright elbaites with a nice amber color. Their size is up to 0.8-1 cm and several of them are bi-terminated. There is also a nice cluster of quartz crystals. Overall size is 6x4x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 120,00



Facciatoia, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - An old specimen from the historical quarry of Facciatoia, now defunct. There is a 0.4 cm terminated pink/red elbaite inside a cavity of the pegmatite vein. Lot of quartz crystals all around and a grey orthoclase. The grey color is a classic for Facciatoia. Overall size is 5x4.5x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 80,00



San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A bright light pink elbaite is located inside a cavity of the pegmatite. The crystal is 1.3 cm in size ! No damage ! Quite large feldspars also. Overall size is 8x4x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 250,00



Forcioni dike, Sant Ilario, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A spectacular specimen from one of the best elbaite findings of the early 90ies. This specimen hosts a perfectly terminated and undamaged multicolor elbaite 1.7 cm in size. The colors are spectacular ! there is an other multicolor elbaite of 1.6 cm on the left ! and a couple of smaller ones are inside the small cavity where the main crystal is located. Lot of other minerals such as lepidolite, ortoclase and albite. A great showy specimen of 7x5.5x5 cm in size

See the video !


Unit price: EURO 3.500,00
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