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San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A great amount, hundreds of terminated schorl crystals cover most of the surface of this pegmatite specimen ! Classicallythe schorl crystals are grouped in  cluster on orthoclases or quartz crystals. This kind of aspect is typical when opening the pockets where there had been not so great space to develop large and/or big schorl crystals. Though it has 2-4 mm crystals, the sight is interesting for the brigthness and the luster of the terminations ! overall size is 11x7x3.5 cm. Weight is 330 gr

Unit price: EURO 60,00
"Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase""Beryl & Orthoclase"

Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - An old specimen from a german collection. The rock hosts a terminated goshenite beryl 1 cm in size which is nicely nested close to a feldspar. A classic from the old locality of grotta d'Oggi ! overall size is 6x4.5x3.5 cm. Old label also from Krantz collection.

Unit price: EURO 200,00
"Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase"

Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Though spessartine rapresent a classic for pegmatite areas, they have not been a frequent finding at isola Elba. Nevertheless this rock from Grotta d'Oggi shows several millimetric spessartines nicely located on the faces of the various orthoclase crystals ! the feldspars are up to 1.6 cm on the edge. The specimen has a 50 years old label that describes as "grossular" the spessartines and misspelled the name of the locality. Very peculiar old label ! Nice old timer of 5x4x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 150,00
"Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase""Spessartine & Orthoclase"

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Bright and nice orange in color spessartines are located on the face of this orthoclase. The main spessartine is 0.3 cm in size, bright and no damage. The feldspar is 3 cm on the edge.  Probably from Grotta d'Oggi area. Overall size is 4.5x4x2 cm

Unit price: EURO 80,00
"Elbaite , Orthoclase, Cassiterite, Opal var jalite & Quartz""Elbaite , Orthoclase, Cassiterite, Opal var jalite & Quartz""Elbaite , Orthoclase, Cassiterite, Opal var jalite & Quartz""Elbaite , Orthoclase, Cassiterite, Opal var jalite & Quartz"

Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Lot of minerals on the same rock ! Though the 1.5 cm long elbaite is incomplete, there are a lot of other uncommon minerals on this rock. Indeed other than to nice and well shaped orthoclases to 1 cm on the edge and quartz up to 1.5 cm, there various groups of bright metallic cassiterites and on several quartz crystals there are a lot of gemmy waterclear bubbles of opal var jalite. Very interesting rock of 7.5x4.5x3.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 135,00

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Interesting combination specimen. There is a terminated beryl of 0.9x0.8 cm in size nicely located on a feldspar crystal. Close to them there are some bright orange spessartine crystals. The specimen hosts also various albite crystals, some incomplete elbaite crystals and other feldspars up to 2.5 cm on the edge ! in a cavity there is a well defined cluster of green millimetric zircon crystals. Very peculiar rock of 9.5x6.5x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 280,00

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - It happens to find nice elbaites hidden inside some cavities. This is one ! There are 5 multicolor elbaites all together in this cavity. The most evident is the one grown on a quartz crystal ! This elbaite is 0.5 cm in size and has close to it an other that is 0.8 cm ! some light pink feldspar complete the picture of the cavity. Nice specimen of 6.5x6x3.8 cm

Unit price: EURO 270,00
"Fluorapatite & Feldspar""Fluorapatite & Feldspar""Fluorapatite & Feldspar"

Alchuri Village, Shigar, Northern Areas, Pakistan -A very good gemmy glassy lustrous clean fluorapatite crystals incombination with well terminated pure white well terminated orthoclase crystals hosts to matrix. The fluorapatites are gemmy and perfectly terminated ! their size are up to 0.8 cm ! the color is light pink. All around there are miriad of terminated orthoclases. Overall size is 8.5x6x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 25,00

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - On a nice grouping of feldspar crystals there are some bright orange spessartine crystals. Spessartine is a rare occurrence on the pegmatite of Elba. The feldspars are up to 1.5-2 cm in size and the spessartine are 0.2-0.3 cm show up on the feldspars. Overall size is 7x4.5x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 70,00

San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - Typical exmple of the structure of a crystallized vein inside the pockets of the pegmatite areas of Isola Elba. There is a 3 cm schorlite vein that shows various crystals throughout the specimen, nicely located close to quartz and feldspar crystals. The schorlite are up to 0.5 cm and some are biterminated. The feldspars are up to 2 cm on the edge ! overall size is 8x7.5x7 cm

Unit price: EURO 120,00
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