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Nikolayevskiy Mine, Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russian Federation - A cluster of pearly rounded columnar manganoan calcite with dodecahedral form, slightly speckled with chlorite/pocket debris. Very nice crystals up to 1.5 cm in size. Overall size is  9.4 × 7.2 × 4.5 cm.

Unit price: EURO 50,00
"Titanite & Calcite""Titanite & Calcite""Titanite & Calcite"

Arondu, Basha Valley, Skardu district, Baltistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan - Arondu is one of the lesser known Titanite localities in Pakistan, but this area has produced some top quality crystals of the species, especially some killer twins. These are "Alpine-type" Titanite crystals, and the would be worth a great deal to any Alpine collector if there were found in Austria, Italy or Switzerland. This specimen features a few sharp, thin/narrow twinned crystals of Titanite measuring up to 1.7 cm sitting on matrix. The color is actually green, but they are coated with micro Clinochlore. Good condition overall. These pieces are some of the most difficult to obtain from Pakistan, especially these days. Overall size is 4.5x4x1.3 cm. Weight is 35 gr.

Unit price: EURO 60,00



San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Carbonia-Iglesias Province, Sardinia, Italy - An esthetic specimen of calcite from this famous mine. The specimen hosts a great amount of bright calcite crystals, grouped forming clusters ! Very nice and typical from San Giovanni mine. Overall size is 13x8x6 cm. Weight is 515 gr.

Unit price: EURO 80,00




Minerva No. 1 mine, Hardin Co., Illinois, USA - Colorless spiky crystals of calcite measuring to 2.5 cm in height coming off this matrix. Some of the crystals show cleaving. Overall size is 10.5 x 10.0 x 5.0 cm.

Unit price: EURO 70,00



Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee, USA - A very nice golden brown terminated crystal of calcite showing the classic scalenohedral habit. There is with a little sphalerite matrix. The terminations are good, though there is a small cleave to the very tip. Super clarity of the calcite ! Overall size is 7.2 × 5.8 × 3.2 cm. Weight is 135 gr

Unit price: EURO 60,00



Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota, USA - A super lustruous specimen with a super barite crystal of 3 cm in size and fully terminated ! The crystal has a great color, hooney-like color, with an exceptional transparency, gemmy ! Teh whole surface of the rock is coverd by a carpet of bright yello calcite crystals ! overall size is 10x6.5x4.5 cm. Weight is 200 gr.

Unit price: EURO 2.000,00



Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota, USA - A very nice and superb barite specimen. The rock host 3 fully terminated barite crystals to the size of 2.5 cm with a wonderful color and transparency ! The crystals show a great honey color and are almost gemmy ! on the left, the specimen shows a coating of bright yello calcite crystals. Overall size is 5.5x5.5x5.5 cm. Weight is 140 gr.

Unit price: EURO 850,00



Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota, USA - No doubt, this is gorgeous ! An incredibly well shaped barite crystal stands on a yello calcite matrix ! The baryte is 4 cm long and terminated ! Incredible color and transparency ! Overall size is 7.7x5x5 cm. Weight is 110 gr

Unit price: EURO 1.000,00


Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota, USA - The spectacular esthetic of this specimen is a classic ! The specimen consists of an incredible carpet of bright yellow calcite crystals to 1 cm in size with a couple of gemmy golden barite crystals ! The barites are up to 3 cm in size ! the main crystal is incredibly visible, standing in the middle of the specimen, the other is partially hidden by the calcite crystals. Overall size is 9x7x6 cm. Weight is 365 gr.

Unit price: EURO 2.000,00



Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota, USA - A superb baryte crystal shows on the yellow crystalline calcite coating of this specimen. The baryte is fully terminated and 2.5 cm in size. No damage ! Great esthetic ! Overall size is 5x4x4 cm. Weight is 115 gr.

Unit price: EURO 350,00
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