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Fonte del Prete, San Piero, Isola Elba, Livorno, Italy - A very rare finding from an hystorical locality. There is a quite large apatite crystal for this locality. The apatite is 0.6 cm wide ! It shows fluorescence under UV. It is located close to a couple of terminated quartz crystals. Overall size is 5x5x3.5 cm.

Unit price: EURO 50,00
"Apatite & Siderite""Apatite & Siderite""Apatite & Siderite""Apatite & Siderite""Apatite & Siderite"

Panasqueira Mine, Beira Baixa, Portugal - A large single glassy two colour green apatite crystals with discs of siderite formed over an arsenopyrite/wolframite/cassiterite matrix. The apatite is 1.5x1 cm in size ! Veri nice and bright ! Overall size is 3.7 × 3.4 × 2.8 cm.

Unit price: EURO 35,00



Slyudyanka, Lake Baikal, Irkutskaya Oblast', Prebaikalia, Eastern Siberia, Russian Federation - A 2.2 cm green-blue lustrous apatite crystal associated with some smaller ones on calcite matrix. Lovely glossy crystals with irregular forms. Overall size is 5.3 × 5.8 × 2.4 cm. Ex Paul F Smith collection (old labels)

Unit price: EURO 30,00
"Apatite & Orthoclase""Apatite & Orthoclase""Apatite & Orthoclase""Apatite & Orthoclase""Apatite & Orthoclase"

Nagar, Northern Areas, Pakistan - A grouping of apatite crystals is nestled within a couple of blocky orthoclase crystals with good terminations and crystal faces. The apatites are up to 1.4-1.5 cm in size ! The apatite crystals are a glassy grey colour and appear to have very small bubbles just below the crystal faces. Overall size is 4.1 × 4.1 × 2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 25,00

Shigar Valley, Northern Areas, Pakistan - On a partial feldspar completely covered by albite crystals there ia a nice coverage of bright light pink apatites of 0.4 cm in size. Very nice specimen of 4x4x2.3 cm

Unit price: EURO 20,00

Niaslo, Basha Valley, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan  - Nice specimen with several pinkish grey apatite crystals on hematite matrix. The crystals are up to 1.3 cm. Overall size is 4.3 × 2.7 × 1.8 cm.

Unit price: EURO 30,00



Barroca Grande, Fundao, Panasqueira, Portugal - Nice large apatite crystal of 1.5x1.5x0.5 cm in size stands up on this specimen. There are other apatites around. Overall size is 4x2x2 cm

Unit price: EURO 25,00
"Ferberite, Siderite & Apatite""Ferberite, Siderite & Apatite""Ferberite, Siderite & Apatite""Ferberite, Siderite & Apatite""Ferberite, Siderite & Apatite"

Panasqueira Mine, Beira Baixa, Portugal - The whole specimn is composed by crystalline ferberite ! The ferberites are up to 1-1.5 cm and there are several cluster of siderite alla around and some millimetric apatite. Overall size is 4.5x4.5x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 20,00



SAPO MINE, MINAS GERAIS, BRASIL - Bright and perfectly terminated apatite crystals . The crystals are undamaged and are 1.4 cm in diameter ! Super crystals ! Very showy specimen of 4x3.5x2 cm in size

Unit price: EURO 90,00



Bolivia - Nicely terminated apatite crystal located on the top of this specimen. The crystal is undamaged and 1.4x0.6 cm wide ! Nice rock of 4.5x3x2.5 cm in size

Unit price: EURO 35,00
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