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JANUARY 2025 update !!!!!

New Materials

Displaying results 9 to 12 out of 20
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La Morita mine, Chihuahua, Mexico - Very nice large wulfenite blades ! The main crystal is 1.9 cm on the edge and thre are half a dozen other wulfenite crystals all around forming the cluster ! Very nice thumbnail ! Overall size is 2.2x2x2 cm. Weight is 13 gr

Unit price: EURO 50,00



Frazers Hush Mine, Weaderle County, Durham, United Kingdom - Very nice amber-in-color fluorite cubes with some light violet nicely located on a carbonate matrix. The main crystal is 2 cm on the edge ! All are in good shape. Overall size is 7x4x2 cm. Weight is 72 gr.

Unit price: EURO 45,00

Baia Sprie Mine, Baia Sprie, Maramureș County, Romania - A nice specimen of flat backed quartz points with minor chalcopyrite with second generation quartz and small isolated rhombs of dolomite. The quartz crystals are up to 2.2 cm ! Overall size is 8.1 × 4.3 x 3.7 cm. Weight is 120 gr

Unit price: EURO 25,00



Jalgoan Quarries, Maharashtra, India - Large fairly well-isolated crystals of blue-grey apophyllite are stacked up on a matrix of basalt amygdale covered with smaller crystals of apophyllite with a ligth pinkish color. Apophyllites are up to 2.3 cm in size.Overall size is 7 × 4 × 5 cm. Weight is 140 gr

Unit price: EURO 40,00

A special website dedicated to the minerals from the pegmatites and from the iron ore of Isola Elba:

Follow our auction on Mineral-Auction.com !

The best rocks offered on auction by various selected mineral dealers and we are part of this team !


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Alla scoperta dei minerali dell'Isola d'Elba: itinerari e note per la ricerca

Alla scoperta dei minerali dell'Isola d'Elba: itinerari e note per la ricerca sulle pegmatiti del Monte Capanne.

E' il volume per chi vuole andare a cercare i minerali delle pegmatiti elbane. 

Per avere maggiori infozioni clickate qui oppure scriveteci  italianminerals(at)libero.it

NEWS ! Novità !

Sono disponibili i CD:

There is also an English version of the CD on Minerals from Pegmatites of Isola Elba. Email us if interested, it has all the features of the italian version, lot of photos, maps, descriptions of localities and indications !

Per avere informazioni o per richiederli scriveteci - Email to : italianminerals(at)libero.it 

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