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JANUARY 2025 update !!!!!

New Materials

Displaying results 5 to 8 out of 20
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Cava di Melis, Longobucco, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy - The recent new find of cordierite from Italy ! The best and better defined crystals of cordierite ever found in Italy. This specimen hosts a perfectly terminated prismatic cordierite of 0.7 cm in size. The color is green/brown for a coating of pinite. Very nice ! overall size is 3x3x2.5 cm. Weight is 30 gr.

Unit price: EURO 70,00

Goboboseb Mountains, Brandberg Area, Erongo, Namibia - Very nice and well defined amethyst quartz shepter ! The amethys crystal has a nice color. It is biterminated and sits on a smoky quartz ! There are an other couple of quartz crystals at the base. The full length of the shepter is 4.7 cm and the amethyst is 2,8 cm in size. Overall size of the rock is  5.5x3x3 cm. Weight is 35 gr.

Unit price: EURO 250,00

Golconda Pegmatite, Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil - An intriguing locality specimen comprising a taco-like habit with sandwiched layers of silver-grey lepidolite and glassy bluish-grey clevelandite with crystals standing out from the face. Attached to the face there are two crystals of tourmaline. The finer of the crystals is quite a gemmy blue-green colour with a sharp termination. The larger section is the same colour: however, it is a section and not terminated. An aesthetic piece of pegmatite crystallisation. Please note this specimen is slightly friable. Overall size is 10.2 × 5 × 4 cm. Weight is 185 gr

Unit price: EURO 75,00



Siele Mine, Piancastagnaio, Siena Province, Tuscany, Italy - Top fine classic sample with red"strawberry" of cinnabar up to 17 mm diameter on sandstone matrix. Not easy to find ! Overall size is 9 × 5.5 × 2 cm. Weight is 125 gr.

Unit price: EURO 100,00

A special website dedicated to the minerals from the pegmatites and from the iron ore of Isola Elba:

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Alla scoperta dei minerali dell'Isola d'Elba: itinerari e note per la ricerca

Alla scoperta dei minerali dell'Isola d'Elba: itinerari e note per la ricerca sulle pegmatiti del Monte Capanne.

E' il volume per chi vuole andare a cercare i minerali delle pegmatiti elbane. 

Per avere maggiori infozioni clickate qui oppure scriveteci  italianminerals(at)libero.it

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Sono disponibili i CD:

There is also an English version of the CD on Minerals from Pegmatites of Isola Elba. Email us if interested, it has all the features of the italian version, lot of photos, maps, descriptions of localities and indications !

Per avere informazioni o per richiederli scriveteci - Email to : italianminerals(at)libero.it 

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